Ralph Towner
Départ ●1.The Longest Day 2.Autumn 3.Arrivée /4.Touching Points (a)From The Window (b)Windfall (c)The Rabbit (d)Charcoal Traces 5.Départ 6.The Longest Day (Reprise) ●John Taylor(p, org) Norma Winstone(vo) Kenny Wheeler(flh, tp) Ralph Towne…
Solstice ●1.Oceanus 2.Visitation 3.Drifting Petals /4.Nimbus 5.Winter Solstice 6.Piscean Dance 7.Red And Black 8.Sand ●Ralph Towner (12-string g, classical g, pia) Jan Garbarek (ts,ss,fl) Eberhard Weber (b, cello) Jon Christensen (d, percu…
Diary ●1.Dark Spirit 2.Entry in a Diary 3.Images Unseen 4.Icarus /5.Mon Enfant 6.Odgen Raod 7.Erg 8.Silence of a Candle ●Ralph Towner(12-string g, classical g, p, gongs) ●1973 ECM